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Deadline for Policy Scholar Applications Extended

Three new faculty mingle on the porch at the Institute for Society, Culture and Environment at the +Policy Meet and Greet held at the beginning of the 2023 fall semester.
New faculty mingle at the +Policy Meet and Greet held at the beginning of the 2023 fall semester.

The +Policy Network has extended the deadline for its Policy Scholars program. They are soliciting applications from continuous-appointment Virginia Tech faculty who wish to pursue research projects with policy relevance.

The program is designed to enable researchers without policy expertise, but who would like to address policy questions in future work, to obtain tailored guidance by collaborating with a faculty expert who serves as a mentor or coach. Examples of project deliverables include collaborating on a joint article or grant proposal. The +Policy Network has a list of diverse disciplinary faculty who have agreed to serve as mentors that applicants may review.

Click here for details.

Deadline: November 1, 2023